Womanhood portraits


These portrait sessions are an opportunity to be fully seen and captured; a time to honor yourself and let what is inside shine outward. These photographs will be (he)art work for you to hold onto and reflect on forever, a personal keepsake, or something to proudly share with loved ones.

I have created a guided process to support you in working through any limiting beliefs that may be present before we get started with photography. I draw from my personal learnings of rebuilding my self confidence and body image after working in an industry where I was constantly criticized. I also incorporate my education from my doula training and the lessons I have learned from working with my female mentors and healers. Together we will discuss what is present for you at this moment in your life and I will offer exercises to support you in unfolding the protective layers, and let your true self move freely in front of the camera.


  • Options to shoot in studio and/or outdoors.

  • A mood board curated specifically for you for pre-shoot inspiration

  • A guided meditation to ground your mind, body and spirit

  • Coaching to support you in moving in front of the camera and embolden you to express yourself freely

  • Approximately 20 carefully captured edited (high resolution) photographs



Maternity — If you are just beginning your journey of motherhood this is an opportunity to celebrate your pregnancy and the strength and wonder of your incredible body. Whether or not you feel beautiful in your pregnancy this session is a chance to document the beauty of this special time in your life. It is my intention to create something that you can have to look back on forever to remember this precious time.

You + Your Littles — If you are doing a Motherhood Portrait with your little one(s) this is an opportunity for you to step into the frame instead of being behind the camera documenting your children. Candid, honest, fun, natural moments will be photographed in a variety of color and black and white. Together we will create images that you and your family can treasure forever.


●  A mood board with style + mood photo references curated specifically for you to help inspire the right mood and essence for you pre-shoot

●  An optional guided meditation to ground into your body and the present moment to begin the shoot

●  Coaching to guide you in feeling comfortable moving in front of the camera, supporting you in reframing any limiting beliefs you may have.

●  Approximately 20 carefully captured edited (high resolution) photographs a few weeks post-shoot

Family Sessions


An opportunity to document those first precious, love-filled moments with your newborn and new family in the comfort of your own nest at home. Each photograph an emotive piece of art for you to cherish forever.

I will capture and edit a variety of images in color, and black and white.


●  A mood board with style + mood photo references curated specifically for you to help inspire the right mood and essence for you pre-shoot

●  Assistance with natural hair/makeup + styling

●  Coaching to guide you in feeling comfortable moving in front of the camera with your baby

●  Approximately 20 carefully captured edited (high resolution) photographs a few weeks post-shoot